My interest in architecture is based in its reflection of social and institutional relationships and on the fact that it is interwoven with personal views. That is, engagements, personal preferences and preconceptions and demands of architects, builders, investors, and users become manifest in architecture. Understanding architecture as a medium of communication, different points of view and opposing desires are negotiated by all parties involved, each formulating a specific form or function of a building or using it (unplanned). Within urban development processes particular buildings or architectural constellations play a major role in influencing living conditions and economies. It is thus that with my works I try to reflect and to figure out specific desires and demands of selected parties, linking it with theories and notions of space and architecture.

erich pick

Urban Soundscape LLP (since 2010, ongoing), posters and sound
in co-operation with Youssef Tabti

two posters of the open series

Urban Soundscape LLP suggest to be a company which conducts research and develops and produces acoustic design, sound art projects and sound design of public or commercial spaces. Posters promoting the company’s loosely defined services and are juxtaposed with different soundscapes by Youssef Tabti. The aim of the project is to visit different locations in Istanbul or toher cities in order to investigate specific sound and urban design activity related to each place. More Posters.

Ads for Urbanism (2008), Twelve video clips as pop-ups within a browser

Still of ‚Ads for Urbanism‘
Textual fragments are combined with pictures of Istanbul.

The 'Ads for Urbanism' come to extistence for the exhibition ‚Becoming Istanbul‘, which was planed by the Deutsche Architekturmuseum, Frankfurt a.M., in co-operation with Garanti Galeri, Istanbul. The video clips are integrated as pop-upping advertisements in a virtual glossary concerning the city Istanbul. The stock of data of the glossary consists of texts, sounds, fotos and films of different authors.
My Ads are promoting aspects of urbanism, but is remains unclear for who or for which product. Within the clips textual and grafical fragments of urban developmant and architecture is cited, which is refering to garden cities movements, the türkish social hounsing project TOKI and companies, which are producing prefabricated buildings. The fragments are confronted with video images of the city, which are kept like fotos, but with tiny movements, indicating that the shown details are cutouts of a larger context.

Hamburg-Allermöhe: The location it was found (2007), Art in public space, 2nd Place,
together with Arne Bunk

Modell for the project and drawing for a brick.
Within a pit a part of an ancient wall is excavated.

For Hamburgs‘ young district Neu-Allermöhe West an archeological excavation is put on. Within a pit a part of a wall of an alleged ancient and foundered settlement is excavated. The Form of the oversized bricks refering to the actual design of the quarter and so they are dealing with aspects of tradition and history, historiography and identities.

Global Products of Architecture by Frank O. Gehry
(2005), mixed media and various installations

Still from a video installation treating Gehry’s architecture in Bilbao.

It is interesting how Frank O. Gehry designs his architecture as a product in order for it to be used by others - e.g. municipalities - to have an effect on levels very different to the merely architectural one.
To me a prime example for this is the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao: The interplay of architecture, of a concept of urban development to overcome an industrial crisis and of the Guggenheim Museum, which also sought to stimulate an economic reawakening, is very complex. The project was in a specific manner successful for each party involved and the concept has been imitated in several other places: Many other cities aspire to recreate the Bilbao Effect or have already managed to achieve it. Video (German)

Frameworks (Given – Wanted) (2003), Sound installation

Still from the documentation video of the installation
The Gustave-von-Eiffel-Schule, a secondary school in Berlin-Mitte with a volatile mix of students from poor social backgrounds had to be shutdown. I used a long corridor and a classroom as exhibition space for the installation, which read the structures of the school with and against Foucault.

The ‘Klassenfoto’ (class picture) exhibtion took place before the schoolhouse was actually vacated by the original occupants. Wolfgang Krause organized this and other shows in the building in order to at least temporarily forstall its economic exploitation by the new investors.
The show ‘Klassenfoto’ was intended to reflect the conditions of everyday life in that school while it was still a fact of the present. My work focused on selected structures between school, students and teachers to reflect their process of negotiation and the options of displacement of structures. Dokumentation video. Soundbite with text (german only) at Galerie o zwei.

Moving Spaces (2003), Symposium, Group Show